
Courtpages offers secure, branded, Internet repositories that integrate into your existing web site. Your Courtpages web area for customers, counsel, and others is a secure transcript, document and invoice repository that your company can provide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using our Windows Management Software you give customers individual access to transcripts, documents, and invoices within your Internet repository.

Co-Branded Secure Login

Courtpages offers secure, branded, Internet repositories that integrate into your existing web site. Your Courtpages web area for customers, counsel, and others is a secure transcript, document and invoice repository that your company can provide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using our Windows Management Software you give customers individual access to transcripts, documents, and invoices within your Internet repository.


The customer proceeding screen gives your customers access to their proceedings.

  • Search by Case, Witness, Job Date or Show All
  • Ten proceesings shown per page with ability to easily to go to Next and Prev 10
  • Access all files for a proceeding using the File Repository link
  • Place an order with the reporting company using the Place Order link
  • Grant access to this proceeding to other members of your firm